
MARCH 2,  2025


All live-streamed services can be found at our website:, or on Facebook at: Holy Cross United Methodist Church.



SHARE TIME is on the 1st Sunday, Communion Sunday. We will be celebrating everyone's

birthday for that month with treats and drinks on the 1st Sunday of the month after worship.


HOLY CROSS SINGERS meet the 2nd and 4th Sundays after service.  Please speak to Wayne Mock if you would like to join.


THE NEW ALTAR FLOWER CHARTS ARE UP IN THE SOCIAL HALL!  Please sign up if you would like to supply altar flowers for a specific Sunday.  We also would like to know if they are in Memory of someone, Honor of someone, or Celebrations.  Thank you!



This is a scholarship for Graduating HIGHSCHOOL SENIORS ONLY! Must be affiliate with Holy Cross. To get an application, contact the Church Office at 20-472-2177 or email  Scholarships are due JULY 1, 2025 by 5 pm. 


North Stockton MERCY PEDALERS We go out on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays to serve the unsheltered community. For more information, please contact Sham Sealey at 209-479-4981 or Rita Steele at 858-414-3020. You can also donate to our ministry on the church website or by putting something in the offering plate (in an envelope) marked for Mercy Pedalers. Thank you, Holy Cross for your continued support. Rita Steele, chairperson.


If you haven’t yet turned in a TITHING CARD, it’s never too late! Help us continue on this journey together for 2025!


FAMILY PROMISE HOSTING WEEK We are starting SIGN UP’S to help! Our families arrive on Sunday, March 16.  Please sign up at the back table.

March 16-23, July 13-20, September 7-14, November 16-23

It’s a great program and a great time to volunteer. See Tracy or Rita for more information.


Emergency Food Bank’s MOBILE FARMERS MARKET in the Church parking lot- 4th Friday of every month from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM—Market will be

MARCH 28th! Please bring your own bags! For more information, please contact the Church

office at 209-472-2177. Please pick up a flyer and help spread the good news to our community.


Cooperative Parish in Stockton with all 4 United Methodist Churches

MARCH 1st 9:30 am Central UMC


April 5, 9:30 - 12:30 St. Marks — WHAT questions continue, the beginning of HOW questions

May 3, 9:30 - 12:30 St. Pauls — Presentation by Director of Connection Ministries Martin Lee addressing HOW

June 7, 9:30 - 12:30 Holy Cross  POTLUCK CELEBRATION


CUSTODIAN Position Announcement

The Church Custodian supports the mission of the church with outstanding facility maintenance by performing cleaning and minor repairs in church office, administrative, classroom and worship areas. This may include sweeping and picking up litter on patios and sidewalks adjacent to buildings.

This is a part time position. The custodian typically works about 12 hours per week, with additional hours required around special activities, such as weddings, memorial services, special events, Christmas and Easter, estimated to be about 100 hours per year.

Essential skills and attributes include excellent reliability and work ethic; ability to work with minimal supervision; knowledge of cleaning skills, equipment, and supplies; product and chemical safety as related to use and storage of cleaning materials; ability to perform minor building maintenance; ability to lift and carry 50 pounds; positive cooperative attitude; interpersonal skills; aptitude of cooperative teamwork; and ability to work with volunteers. 

A well-qualified candidate would be expected to have at least five years of related experience and training. As a part of conditional employment, the selected candidate will be expected to participate in, at church expense, on-line training called Safe Gatherings. This training pertains to working around children and vulnerable adults and entails a background check.

Hours are somewhat flexible with agreement from supervisor.  A general schedule might be late Saturday evenings or early Sunday mornings prepare sanctuary, childcare area and social hall, including kitchen, for Sunday services. Late Sunday evenings or Monday mornings, clean areas used during Sunday Services.  On two other days Monday through Saturday, in evenings or non-use times during the day, clean other areas such as offices, classrooms and administrative areas.

Pay: Starting at $18 per hour increasing to $19 per hour following the conditional period not to exceed 6 months.

Application forms and additional information can be obtained by emailing the church office at

Applications are due no later than noon March 14, 2025. Interviews are projected for the week of March 17, 2025. Position will start April 1, 2025.


Save the Date
Building Community in the Central Valley: Sharing Our Good News!
Saturday, March 15, 10am – 4pm at Centenary UMC, Modesto

Saturday, March 22, 10am – 4pm at First UMC, Selma
Join Central Valley District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Mary Maaga and District Lay Leader Kimberli Parenteau for a day of learning, community building, and turning our thinking toward the possibilities that our lives together as followers of Jesus Christ hold no matter what way be going on in the world!
Who’s Invited? Anyone! Whether you’re clergy or lay, if you’re reading this and want to unlock/deepen your enthusiasm for the Wesleyan tradition of Christianity and share that enthusiasm with family, friends, and community, we want you to come!
Why Should I Attend? For the joy and fun of worshiping, learning, sharing, and breaking bread together! And as a reminder that such joyful participation in each other’s lives builds community!
What Else Is Our Goal? To shift our thinking about the “bad news” of shrinking churches and resources into the “good news” of the love and purpose we find and enjoy in our local churches!
Registration is now

Any Questions? Contact Central Valley District Administrative Assistant, Maggie Guekguezian by email at or phone at (559) 549-7580


Mobile Farmers market

NEW!  Emergency Food Bank will be hosting a MOBILE FARMERS MARKET in the Church parking lot- 4th Friday of every month from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM MARCH 28TH!!

Please bring your own bags!  

For more information, please contact the Church office at  209-472-2177. 

Please pick up a flyer and help spread the good news to our community!



April 13, 2023 | by JB Brayfindley

     Camping in tents on the church lawn is not typical at Holy Cross UMC in Stockton but it was expected of Tongan families over the Easter weekend as part of observing Holy Week. Nearly 200 campers including children, teens, parents, and grandparents flocked to the church building bringing camping equipment in tow to spend time on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday teaching and learning about the meaning of Easter. It’s called “Easter Camp.”

     Eighteen tents were spread out around the church campus alongside various buildings on grassy patches and cement. Those not staying in tents outside, slept inside. During the long weekend, children could be seen playing games in the parking lot, along with a dog lying in the sun next to families sharing food and conversation inside the fenced, covered patio.

     “Camp is a particular time that we are teaching the children to learn what is important,” states Rev. Dr. Tevita Vaikona, associate pastor leading the Tongan Language ministry at Holy Cross. “Easter camp is like a school where the heart of the camp is the meaning of Easter.”

     “The original idea is to teach the meaning of Easter by telling the historical event, the story, and also the meaning, the application…” states Vaikona. During the weekend, there are bible study and discussion groups culminating in a presentation of skits revolving around the Easter theme. The use of words as well as imagery through dramatic arts are important aspects of teaching to Vaikona. “We teach from different perspectives—through the ministry of word and the ministry of image. Image, where the young people act, like, put on skits; and in the ministry of word, so we can explain it to them.”

     “The kids couldn’t wait to come,” states Vaikona noting that the event was highly anticipated by both youth and adults. “The pandemic is really helping us get out and meet with people, it’s been really long—two years… and the kids want to get out of the house and also the parents, too!”

     The event is also an opportunity to embody what it means to be community. “This is community, ‘what belongs to you belongs to me and what belongs to me belongs to you,’” explains Vaikona. “Sometimes we want to be in community but don’t understand it--we say, ‘what is mine is mine and what’s yours’ is yours’… but here, we make sure everybody has food, everybody is safe, everybody is involved.”

     “I love the fact that many of our Tongan families will quite literally spend the weekend at Holy Cross, camping out on the lawn from Thursday through Sunday,” states Holy Cross UMC senior pastor Rev. Gary Pope-Sears. “Such devotion exceeds even the original disciples who ran and hid from Friday afternoon until Sunday. Come for the Passion, stay for the Resurrection: that has been the mark of faithful followers of Jesus since the first Easter.”

     Thursday begins with setting up camp, attending church Maundy Thursday worship and gathering around a campfire before bedtime.

    On Friday, students are excused to go to school as adults continue preparing for upcoming activities with more people arriving and setting up more tents. After attending the church Good Friday Service, camp leaders are chosen and assigned roles. The night concludes with an informal greeting and play time.   

     Easter Camp activities begin in earnest on Saturday with a special morning devotional. Next, everyone chooses a Bible verse to memorize. After breakfast, the camp breaks up into small groups by age and are given different questions to discuss. Then, there is a Bible study. Everyone comes together to share the answers to the questions from their small groups. After lunch is free time. Small groups reconvene to create a skit to express their Easter idea. After dinner, each group performs their skit. Music rehearsal time is held to practice for Sunday. Then a devotional and early bedtime.

     Sunday begins with a sunrise service. With more people arriving and after more preparation and lunch, the 2:00 p.m. Tongan Language worship begins with music and dance featuring a youth confirmation service. “After a winter of study and preparation, a number of our youth, eight Tongan and one Pelangi, professed their faith and took their place among us as members of the congregation,” adds Pope-Sears.

     “More than anything, I think the most enjoyable part of Easter camp is just the togetherness,” states Kristine Tutana Latuhoi, one of the youth leaders at the event. “Our congregation members have strong bonds beyond the border of the church building and service schedules. We are all aunties and uncles, and we all share responsibility and love for each other’s children. Just to have some time to spend together outside of a structured service/church setting is so meaningful.”

     “And, from a mother’s point of view, it touches my heart to see my little family as a whole be so involved, happy and occupied in God’s setting instead of the regular temptations we face in our everyday life. Seeing my kids grow in God’s presence through biblical studies and Bible based activities, in a safe setting with other Christians brings me security and peace,” states Latuhoi adding that her third favorite part of the event was “food, food, food.”




A New Resource to Aid Your Spiritual Walk—Literally

     Holy Cross United Methodist Church consecrated its new labyrinth on Sunday, December 5, 2021.

     The project, which has been in the works for more than two years, is now open to all community members to experience.

     “I've walked these a number of times and you really can get outside of all your stress and strain," Gary Pope-Sears, pastor at Holy Cross United Methodist Church, said.

     Whether seen as something religious or not, labyrinths are well knows to relate to the exploration of meditation, and are often used for rituals or ceremonies, Pope-Sears refers to it as a “spiritual walk.”

     Once just an idea is now a reality come true for the community. The labyrinth is a place for creativity and new ideas to spring, he said.

     The space was blessed by Pope-Sears with anointing oil and with two prayers, one in English and one in Tongan.

     Even though the labyrinth holds similarities to a maze, it shouldn't be confused with one. The labyrinth is supposed to help individuals find peace or find answers for their unanswered questions.

     Click here to read the article in The Record: